Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 1: Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids

We watched this video together as a class.  I would like you to analyse and critique this speech on your own now. Use the handouts on how to analyse a speech to help you take notes. As you watch the speech again.  Then use your handout on how to write a critical analysis of a speech to help you write your critique of Adora Svitak's speech.
A few simple reminders to help you:

 -What do you like about this speech?
 -  Is it necessary? Why or Why not?
 - What were key points did she/he use? What techniques did the speaker use? Were these techniques effective? Why or why not?
 - How ethical was the speech? Did you find the speaker believable? What techniques did the speaker use to gain our trust? Were they effective? Why or why not?
 -What do you dislike about this speech?
-  Is it necessary? Why or why not?
-  What is the most powerful moment in the speech as a listener? Why?
- What is the least interesting moment in this speech as a listener? Why?
-What was the purpose of the speech? Did the speaker do an effective job? What did she/he do well? What could she/he have improved upon?
-What can we learn from this speaker and their  speech techniques?

When writing your analysis be sure you use precise language to describe with examples from the clip.


Welcome to Speech and Debate! 
The purpose of this class is to help you develop solid thinking skills as well as learning how to most effectively speak in public. I hope this semester you will know what you believe and why, that you will be able to analyse media and other spoken communication to disseminate what is truly being said and why.

 Therefore we will learn to:
Examine the underlying premise of a position
Learn to locate the values/mindset and assumptions behind positions expressed by others
Articulate your position clearly & persuasively
I believe that students who have the thinking skills to analytically process the ideas they are confronted with in our culture, are better equipped to stand firmly for what they believe when challenged by opposing worldviews.

Most often you will have speeches to watch, analyse and respond to for your blog assignments.  Occasionally there may be other prompts or activities for which you will be required to respond.
Your posts will be due on Wednesdays at 4:00pm. Your first post will be due on September 4.