Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 1: Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids

We watched this video together as a class.  I would like you to analyse and critique this speech on your own now. Use the handouts on how to analyse a speech to help you take notes. As you watch the speech again.  Then use your handout on how to write a critical analysis of a speech to help you write your critique of Adora Svitak's speech.
A few simple reminders to help you:

 -What do you like about this speech?
 -  Is it necessary? Why or Why not?
 - What were key points did she/he use? What techniques did the speaker use? Were these techniques effective? Why or why not?
 - How ethical was the speech? Did you find the speaker believable? What techniques did the speaker use to gain our trust? Were they effective? Why or why not?
 -What do you dislike about this speech?
-  Is it necessary? Why or why not?
-  What is the most powerful moment in the speech as a listener? Why?
- What is the least interesting moment in this speech as a listener? Why?
-What was the purpose of the speech? Did the speaker do an effective job? What did she/he do well? What could she/he have improved upon?
-What can we learn from this speaker and their  speech techniques?

When writing your analysis be sure you use precise language to describe with examples from the clip.

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